
8 de julho de 2024

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Usuário anônimo


8 de julho de 2024

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Francisco Brito

26 de junho de 2024

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Usuário anônimo


27 de maio de 2024

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Rafael is a young Brazilian who suffers from a hyper-rare disease and feels the worst pain in the world! He is now in the United States to pressure authorities at the UN General Assembly to pay for his high-cost treatment.

But Rafael is in need. As the dollar is much more valued than his native currency, the boy is only eating once a day to save money. This trip to NY is your golden chance to get a cure, as the only treatment for your illness is in Connecticut.

Help Rafael stay in the USA while he fights for his life!

His condition is called neuralgia intermedius and neuralgia of the tympanic plexus. His diagnosis was achieved after 7 years, with the collaboration of 5 international universities , including surgeries and advanced exams in Germany and research at USP on the best magnetic resonance machine in Latin America.

After all this, they discovered that there is only one specialist in the world capable of curing him. The highly specialized treatment is in the United States and has a very high cost of R$3 million. Rafael lives on the verge of suicide every day and needs surgery extremely urgently.